Freeware Pocket PC: daily updated site for freeware files on . Mobile FTP Client v1.1.6.1 Mobile Keepy Uppy! Mobile Media . Tiny Twitter v1.8.4 Tip Calculator Tip Calculator and Bill . PocketTweet. Pocket PC Mit dem kostenlosen Twitter-Client PocketTweet hat man Twitter-Kurznachrichten im Blick. Die pockettweet twitter client for pocket pc Freeware ruft so genannte Tweets ab und sendet Updates an den . PocketTweet 0.2 PocketTweet is a small Windows Mobile application that lets you log-in to your Twitter account using an active . zsIRC is a freeware IRC client aimed at the Pocket PC . Na sv�m Pocket PC si m . under: twitter, client, message, chat . Player 1.2 It is compatible with Pocket PC 2003 . PocketTweet 0.1 PocketTweet lets you log-in to and update your Twitter account. . A foursquare client for Windows Mobile. . PocketTweet est une petite application Windows Mobile qui vous permet de connecter � votre compte pockettweet twitter client for pocket pc Twitter en utilisant une . zsIRC est un client IRC pour Pocket PC. Twittern mit dem Pocket PC. . auf die soziale Plattform Twitter Quakk funktioniert nur f�r . Client PocketTweet hat man Twitter-Kurznachrichten im Blick . . External links; Feature Requests; Issues; Groups; PockeTwit Discussion; A twitter client for the Windows Mobile platform . Due to a busy workschedule and almost no free time . PocketTweet v0.21 [Jun 4, 2009] PocketTweet is a small Windows . PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional (Pocket PC) platform. Critter is a Windows Mobile Twitter application for you and your pets. Freeware . Telnet client for Pocket PC: Freeware: 2009-11-22: SKTools
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